sylvania DutchNew Book by Hexologist Hunter M. Yoder, Hexologist. " Hunter Yoder once again gives his depth of insight into the native shamanic culture of Southeastern and Central Pennsylvania. A master of the art of Hex Signs, and a direct descendent of the people and the land, Yoder is a true friend and guide through the mysteries of Pennsylvania German folk magic." Mark Stavish, Institute for Hermetic StudiesHex Signs, Folk Magic, Heiden origins, the Volksgeist of the Pennsylvania Dutch. Author of "The Backdoor Hexologist" Yoder was brought up in Berks County, PA the epicenter of Hex Sign painting and PA Dutch culture. Contributions by Dr Michael Werner, Don Yoder/Thomas Graves, Elsie Singmaster, Robert Jarrell, The Magician and the Fool Podcast, Edwin Miller Fogel, John Joseph Stoudt, Richard H. Shaner, Cynda L. Benson, Russell R. Yoder, M. Div., Matthew Champion, Peter Bertolet, MD, Cornelius Weygandt, 390 pages, B&W interior
Der Zauberschpiggel, The Magic Mirror, Hex Signs and the Folk Spirit of the Penn